America’s Real Thieves

Obama’s administration is off limits.

They have no personal permits.

To get into our financials,

They have pushed and shoved and bullied their socialism down our throats.

Their time is limited.

They have no right to assault or get into my religious freedom.

They have no right to get into my Freedom of Speech.

This administration should be jailed.

And not hailed.

I don’t understand why anyone would cast a vote.

For someone that lies on a promissory note.

And has no intention on coming through after the vote.

They may give you a small gift.

But they shift

And drift

From one chaos after another,

Their real intention is to cause rivalry between sisters and brothers.

They work hard on keeping our country divided.

With their liberal hit list.

They seduce the racial fist.

And persist.

 When the truth is we all need each other to win the war against terrorism.

We need to stop all the racism.

We have all derived from many nations.

And have many different colored faces.

But what makes us unique is that we’re all Americans.

So, if you want to be angry at anyone.

Be angry at those that want to invade our country to make them number one.

Be angry at the one that wants to take away your freedom and our country.

Be angry at the one that seeks a one world government.

That wants to covet our country and our personal religious beliefs.

These are the real thieves.


Where’s Obama’s CZAR?

sweeney todd

Where is Obama’s Ebola Czar?

He’s no superstar.

Obama named him after a male monarch or emperor.

And Americans are losing their tempers.

Americans don’t trust Obama’s endeavors or his weathering successor.

Where is Obama’s Ebola Czar?

Did he run far?

It doesn’t appear that anyone wants to be around Obama.

Not even his Ebola Czar.

What is it that the government is hiding from us about Ebola?

They say you can’t get on a community transport if you’ve been around Ebola.

But you can’t catch Ebola on a plane, bus or subway.

Do the liberals think, were watching a dark Sweeney Todd on Broadway?

Where you get on the transport of no return,

It makes my stomach turn.

Are they waiting to tell us the real truth about Ebola after the election?

Where everyone eventually gets the infection,

And there’s no remedy or cure for an injection.

And we were kept in the dark for an Election!

This would be another Obama Reflection!

obama ebola