Just say, No to OBAMA and his BIG GOVERNMENT

I can’t understand why any American would want Big Government

With all the corruption coverage

Of the Obama’s Administration’s misgovernment

Do you really want your healthcare controlled by the government?

Do you really want what you say to be controlled by the government?

Do you really want all guns for self-defense to be picked up by the government?

Do you really want all food to be rationed by the government?

Do you really want what you put in your mouth to be controlled by the government?

Do you really want your diet and weight controlled by the GOVERNMENT?

Do you really want the internet censored or cut off by the government?

Do you really want your spiritual beliefs controlled by the government?

Why vote big GOVERNMENT

And put your Liberty at jeopardy by a ruthless GOVERNMENT?

Just say, NO to OBAMA!



Vote Republican Conservative


obamas ebola

harry reid

America’s Not Ready for EBOLA, OR OBAMA

There are only 4 hospitals in America that have biocontamination units to contain EBOLA. These 4 hospitals all together can only administer care to less than twelve patients at a time. America isn’t ready to deal with infectious EBOLA. Our medical healthcare infrastructure isn’t trained or ready to deal with EBOLA.

Emory University hospital in Georgia

National Institute of Health in Maryland

St. Patrick’s Hospital in Montana

Nebraska Medical Center

It’s time to let your voices be heard and ban travel temporary from the infected areas of Africa.  You can vote on NOV. 4th and vote NO to OBAMA and his administration for the poor handling of our country and defend your liberty.  Let your voices be heard!

Vote No to surrendering your freedom of speech

Vote No to giving up your right to bear arms and defending yourself against America’s enemies.. Obama has already reduced our military.  Who’s going to be there to defend you against the enemy?

Vote No to forced healthcare.

Vote No to big GOVERNMENT trying to take over all!

America’s not ready for EBOLA, ISIS or OBAMA, his promises are just as deadly as EBOLA

Ebola map

travel ban ebola

ebola rash breakout

The Notorious Obama Administration

Obama’s Administration has run this country like the fast and furious.

He’s forced Americans to submit to health insurance.

He’s weakened Americans security.

By downsizing our military which is delirious,

Who does that, when America’s period in history’s time is so serious?

He acts oblivious.

To what’s really happening around the world that makes so many furious.

His administration’s notorious.

They’re stunts are never ending outrageous.

And now they tell us EBOLA’s not contagious.

While curious immigrants flood our borders so a super ego can feel victorious.

They don’t realize that they’re just being used for a vote.

And if that’s not enough, they want to challenge the truth at the pulpit.

They may as well shoot us all with fast bullets.

obama out of control

obamas ebola