If Someone Sneezed in your Eye, you could die

If an infected person gets off an airplane from Africa and goes into Walmart to buy Aspirin and sneezes in your eye.

You could get EBOLA and die.

So why would we not have a travel ban?

Let’s quit kicking the can.


Do  you think Walmart is going to remember who sneezed in your eye three weeks ago?

Do you think the CDC is going to know who sneezed in your eye?

Are you even going to remember the person that sneezed in your eye?

Why did EBOLA Land In Texas?

Would Obama let Americans die from EBOLA?

To get his way with Obamacare and control all health care in America?

Why is EBOLA coming to America?

And why is Obama sending death flights into America?

And why did Ebola land in his most distrusted state of Texas?

Was there an Obama connection?

Is this all an Obama reaction?

It seems strange that EBOLA landed in Texas.

And the CDC sounds like a puppet on a string for Obama.

ebola in texas

Travel Ban EBOLA

travel ban ebola

America is not ready for EBOLA.

We aren’t even sure the CDC’s ready for EBOLA.

They couldn’t contain it in Africa.

Why are they inviting it into America?

Our hospitals, doctors and nurses aren’t prepared.

There should be EBOLA treatment Centers.

Our medical infrastructure is not ready or trained for EBOLA.

EBOLA needs to be Isolated.

There is no cure for EBOLA.

This could destroy America’s infrastructure.

EBOLA could be the destruction of America.

Why would you let EBOLA infected patients into America?

Why aren’t they getting the right treatment in Africa?

America has never dealt with EBOLA.

There should be a flight and travel ban to prevent EBOLA from coming to America.

How many more Americans are going to be infected in America?

We need a Travel Ban On EBOLA!

Travel Ban Ebola and Save America

ebola travel ban

ebola save your family

Obama is saying that he cares more about the economy of Africa than America.

This is why he keeps flights arriving from Africa.

His true loyalty is to Africa.

He’s afraid it will hurt the economy of Africa if he bans flights.

While he could be using military flights and charter flights,

But he chooses to possibly infect the whole world for one country, Africa.

While everyone knows that EBOLA is deadly it’s passed by blood pathogens.

Blood pathogens include any and all body fluids.

Including: Sweat, tears, saliva, mucus, urine, feces, vomit and blood,

Hepatitis A, B, is caught by blood borne pathogens.

Fact: If someone blows their nose with a Kleenex and doesn’t wash their hands, they are carrying a blood pathogen.

Fact: If someone goes to the bathroom and doesn’t wash their hands, they are carrying a blood pathogen.

Fact: If someone picks their nose they’re carrying a blood pathogen.

Fact: If someone sneezes and it gets into your eyes, you’ve been hit with the EBOLA blood pathogen.

Fact: If someone prepares a meal and didn’t wash their hands, they’re carrying a blood pathogen.

Fact: If you sit in someone’s sweat from a fever on an aircraft, you’re sitting in a blood pathogen.

Some people don’t bathe every day because it dries out their skin; if they had a high fever and sweated they’re covered in a blood pathogen.

Some people aren’t hand washers, and don’t bathe often enough, they’re carriers of blood pathogens.

We have a lot of people in America that aren’t educated on blood pathogens.

To keep any disease spread down it has to be instilled in the communities the seriousness of good hygiene to prevent the spread of blood pathogens.

But I believe the last I heard only 40% to 60% of Americans wash their hands to prevent blood pathogens.

Obama needs to study on blood pathogens and how easily they can be spread.

Or we’re going to have a lot of Americans that are dead.

By the EBOLA epidemic,

We don’t want to have a pandemic of fear from EBOLA.

But we can’t prevent it when we are subjecting Americans to deadly EBOLA.

By allowing infected people to fly into America,

There has to be a travel ban or the blood pathogens.

Will spread!

We need to get on board with the UK and ban all travel from infected  Africa, and work on saving America.

Or we will be burying our Country along with our families.

Blood borne pathogens can enter through

Open Sores




Any sort of damaged or broken skin from sunburn or blisters