Does Obama Have Attachment Disorder?

Does Obama have attachment disorder?

Has he detached?

Himself from America

Is he longing for Africa?

Where’s Obama’s mind?

Has he declined?

Or is he sitting back waiting for retirement so he can recline.

Or is he just blind?

obama blind

America, Hide your Children

America, hide your children.

From the villain on social networks that walks the streets.


And lock your doors and sweat.

The villain is looking for souls to keep.

America, hide your children.

From racism and hatred,

And pray to sweet Jesus.

That he may find mercy for our souls.

And protect us from all of our enemies and foes.

America, hide your children.

From being misdirected.

And let them be corrected.

To the political injustices of the world,

America, hide your children.

And tell them the truth.

Before they’re mislead in their youth,

And teach them all the truth.

Tell them that Jesus forgives all and loves all.

Jesus never intended for our world to fall.

But sins of the world led to this great fall.

America, hide your children.

And tell them it’s never too late to repent when you hear the call.


eagle praying1

America, Tell your Children

America, tell your children.

That there’s a villain,

That stands ready to slaughter civilian children.

Because of the sins of the fathers,

The villains hunt their sons and daughters.

And the mothers cry out loud for the loss of their sons and daughters.

America, Hide your weapons.

And don’t surrender to liberal political threats.

Where government eventually cheats


Waiting for the unarmed civilian to fall,

But listen to the voice within that hears the call.

And say, I’ll never give up my right to bear arms.

I’ll die and fall as a warrior with my gun in my arms.

Knowing that I did all I could to protect the children.

America, Tell your children that the liberal government runs like a poisonous virus that eventually all die. They’re promises run like a poisonous venomous like heroine running through the veins.

America there’s no restrain.

The liberal party is driving a wrecked train.

With a blind engineer to guide them,

With their president absent,

Showing no action,.

America, Tell your children that president Obama opened the door for the villain.

To bring death to the American Children

flag freedom isn't free