Prime Minster of Israel Netanyahu gives eloquent speech at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA70)


Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel speaks at the United Nations General Assembly.   Netanyahu is concerned about Israel.  He considers Iran to be a dangerous prowler. He says the Iran deal isn’t going to turn this vivacious tiger into a kitten.  Netanyahu’s accuses Iran of propping up Bashar al-Assad of Syria.  He says Iran’s buying billions worth of weapons to fight against Israel and their adjoining neighbors.  Iran supports terrorist around the world. He says you can’t reward bad behavior, if you do, it gets worse.  He says the Iran deal is an unholy marriage with Iran.  Iranians chant death to America and death to Israel.  Iran has threatened genocide to the Jews and the response to the United Nations is deafening silence. I suppose it would be different if it was your country, they were threatening.  Netanyahu gets a standing ovation. He says the Jewish people survived the holocaust of 6 million Jews.  Israel represents a nation that’s 4,000 years old, and a country that’s 67 years young.  The rebirth of Israel, they came from Yemen, Ethiopia, Europe and all around the world. Israel will do whatever, it has to do to defend the state and the people of Israel. Israel will be watching closely the international committee.  Don’t let them sweep it beneath the Persian rug. Three things he says make Iran do: Make Iran comply with all obligations. Check Iran’s regional regression beginning with Israel, use sanctions to teardown Iran’s terror network.

We’re working towards peace with other countries in the Middle East, when your enemies are fighting each other, don’t strengthen one, but weaken both.  The most important partner that Israel has is the United States of America, it’s unshakable. Israel perfected the Cherry Tomato. We’ve brought our expertise to your universities and schools and homes. We’re so proud that our small country is making such a huge contribution to the world. Israel invented the drip irrigation system to bring water and hydration to desert lands. Israel is only the size of New Jersey, and people act like it’s a huge country.  Israel is small but full of smart minds and innovation.  The UN can help support peace by supporting both parties. Israel has taken a bashing for decades when we have had less fatalities between Palestinians and Israelis than Syria.  Syria has had over 250,000 deaths and millions of migrants.  But Israel takes more of a bashing than Syria. Last year we got 20 violations against us and Syria received one.  Every time, I come here it’s dejavu, “I’ve been here before,” as the great, Yogi Bear would say. The United Nations has not been fair to Israel.


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