More Proof Of Obama’s Lies

Leon Panetta another reliable source that claims Obama knew about the terrorist attack on Benghazi.

Obama lied to the press and the paparazzi.

It’s more added proof that Obama lied about Benghazi.

He knew about the terrorist rise in Benghazi.

He knew about the weapons from a fallen reign in Benghazi.

And he allowed four hired contractors by the state dept. to die.

We hear one lie after another lie.

From Obama, Why?

He even claimed ISIS was the JV team, another lie.

Is he going to sit back and let all Americans die?

Since when are the lives of Americans expandable for a presidential election?


leon panetta

Good Morning, USA!

Lord, Father God, I pray over America today.

I pray Father that you keep all Americans safe and from harm’s way.

I lift up all of our servicemen and women to you.

I pray Lord that you keep them safe and in your eyes’ view.

Only you Father God know the challenges that America faces with EBOLA and ISIS today.

I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over America today.

I pray that you help our leaders make the right choices today

And stop putting American citizens in Harm’s Way!

I pray Lord that the safety of America is valued more than a political vote.

I pray Lord that you demote and promote.

Those that you want in charge of America today, I pray In Jesus Christ name.


navy boatswain E2C Hawkeye

Senator Harry Reid, the Next Stalin

Now there’s Senator Harry Reid.

He’s a tough strict breed.

If you think your parents were strict.

You haven’t seen anything yet!

He wants the internet restricted.

That’s right!

Along with freedom of speech restricted.

I don’t think I could live that way.

What about social media?

He sounds like Stalin from the encyclopedia.

His goal is to have it that way one day.

No, way!

I would feel like I had a piece of duct tape across my face.

And it’s no discrimination against race.

And he can make all of these demands with a straight face.

Invading our private space,

And taking away our first Amendment Rights,

That’s Right!

He’s the next Stalin!

harry reid