Globalist Seek to Isolate President Trump and Take Him Out

Globalist are isolating President Trump.  President Trump has started his own news to counteract the fake news.   People are being blocked from Twitter accounts that like what President Trump post.  This is an all out attempt to stop the success of President Trump.  We have a president that humbles himself to pray for our country. He accepts no income for his job as president and has created over 1 million jobs since being president.  He’s proven over and over again, that he loves America.  And the elite are ready to throw America under the Islamist bus.  We hear rumors of a possible assassination attempt.  We hear rumors of a civil war.  The question remains, why do some Americans want to destroy America that has been the strongest country in the world.  When Obama was president we saw the military cut by 30 percent.  We saw our men and women in uniform coming back delivered in military caskets.  And now, we have a president that respects our military and law enforcement and the good guy is now becoming the evil guy; because he wants to take care of our country like a real president.  It’s so sad to hear how epic it is that they want to isolate him and take him out and the cowards around him that won’t stand up and defend him.  This is so sad to sit back and watch the filthy political corruption of the globalist that comes from the smelly stench of all the people that Soros has killed for self-gain.   Why can’t they just arrest and prosecute the people that are involved in the Deep State take over?  Where are America’s heroes?


President Trump may be surrounded by a lot of cowards, but he has one hero behind him that has his back, Jesus Christ!

Father God, I lift President Donald Trump to you.  I pray for a hedge of protection around him.  That your holy angels will guide and protect him in his daily walk and when he sleeps at night.  I ask Father God, that you give him the gift of wisdom to outsmart his enemies that are a globalist, many. I pray Father God, that his fight is your fight and all the evil is finally exposed.  Whatever has been hidden in darkness will be brought into the light.  All deceivers will be exposed, all of those that have or plan to commit treason against our country will be exposed. Father, I pray for your safety over America and all of our military men and women and law enforcement that risk their lives daily to keep us safe!  Oh, Lord, how great is your name in all the earth.  We give you our love and praise! Amen!


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